Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Podcast Reflection

I enjoyed watching and listening to Ken Robinson speak very much, he was humorous! He is a wonderful motivational speaker who really got his audience thinking about the topic of education and how we are stifling our students creativity.I think that the most profound statements of his were, "Students graduating this year will retire in year 2065, scientists have no idea what the world will look like in 5 years, and yet teachers must educate students for this." Also, "If you are not prepared to be wrong than you will never be creative". He believes that through formal education, kids do not grow into creativity, but they grow out of it. This is because or culture puts such a stigma to being wrong. Every educational system on earth has a hierarchy of subjects, beginning with math and science. The most useful subjects in our industries are at the top. He believes that the succeeding people in our educational system turn out to be college professor, who only live in their heads, (and to one side). He believes that our educational system is doing many individuals a disservice by restricting them from pursuing what they are good at and making them fit into the norm where only a few areas are enfasized. I think that every pre-service teacher should be exposed to this podcast, it is really profound, and quite entertaining.