Thursday, March 29, 2007

Class Project: Reading, Rapping, History (Teaching the Past with Modern Tool) by Angie Green, Los Angeles Times March 18th, 2007

I was delighted after reading this article because I think that unconventional methods of learning concepts and remembering concepts are often more effective than traditional methods, because the students become more engaged and this is more memorable for students. I know that while taking biology, the only reason why I got a B in that class was becuase I created rhymes or accronyms to remember information. Music and rhythm truly can help some students to soldify concepts into their memory banks. I also love that the teacher introduced a lot of recording technology to his students. He used his resources to contact a friend who owns a music company to compose the music and record the students. This could possibily be a very beneficial field trip or guest speaker for the class. I hope that in the future I will have a lot of resources so that my lessons can be enriched as this teacher's was.

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